



Please note that all information and tips on this website have been collected to the best of our knowledge and belief. I expressly disclaim any warranties as to the accuracy of any medical facts and the consequences of any treatment (if sought by reading information on this site) of illness or discomfort. In the case of physical complaints of any kind, I advise all visitors to this website to seek medical advice and to view the information on this website as a quick and possibly incomplete resource for initial information that has no claim to correctness in every detail. Likewise, I hereby give no guarantee on the mode of action of recommended products. The recommendations on this website are also based on personal experience and promise no cure or alleviation of complaints of any kind. People are different, causes of discomfort and the effects of therapies and products as well. Please note that I can not inspect the recommended products (such as pillows or mattresses) for harmful substances. I rely on the control mechanisms that are implemented in Germany to protect consumers from harmful substances or hazardous materials.

Artikel zuletzt aktualisiert am 9. April 2018 von
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